BWT Water Systems

Bestmax Water Filtration
Not all water is the same. Filtration is required for the warranty of espresso equipment as it protects you from water scale and the damage that it causes. But for many other reasons as well.
Water is also a central element in the hospitality and hotel industry and you home, as guests will come into contact with water with every sip and every bite. Coffee and tea produce a full aroma with the correct water, and steam makes bakery products crusty, fragrant and delicious. As the saying goes, especially in the kitchen: if the water is right, the result will be right. Bread is crusty on the outside, vegetables retain their vitamins and an appetising colour, roasted meats delight the palate with a succulent centre and crisp finish and the nostrils with a fine roast aroma. And after eating, top quality water ensures that crockery, glassware and cutlery come out of the dishwasher spotlessly clean. BWT treats your water on site in different ways, depending on the specific application and water quality.
Please call us for pricing.